Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Another day...

Day two

Today, several things happened.
Firstly, I decided 'LOST' is an awesome TV show.
I've been thinking this for a while, but the less conventional it seems to get, the more I tend to like it.
Well done writers..
Today I had dairy for the first time in almost a year.
Not watered down, lactose free dairy... REAL dairy.
Though it was an accident... that's what you get for trusting a sign in a shop window so completely you don't even read the wrapper until AFTER you've guzzled it down.
That, my friends, is trust.
Stupidity? Maybe...
But mostly trust.
I also lost my voice again teaching, which was pretty much my greatest fear coming back to haunt me again. If this develops back into something chronic again, I am seriously not going to be a happy camper.
I also got that tiny bit closer to playing on that Cajon.
I touched it! :D
So tomorrow, I'm hoping for a breezy class, where no one talks over each other and everyone is constantly engaged and listening as I cruise my way through my incredibly interesting lesson plan!
LOL, jk..
Its about essay writing. o.O
But I'm sure it'll be alright.
I'll make it happen. :)
Anyway, over and out amigos. :D
ALL the love!
Lovelovelove. ^_^

Monday, April 29, 2013

24 days, 24 hours..


First day of my final prac was today.
Cool right! :D
It's exciting and terrifying both at the same time.
Exciting, because it is this incredible experience, and gives me this building to go to each day. A WONDERFUL building, where I can jump around quoting my favorite poems and authors, playing snippets from my favorite films and TV shows, and ALL of this... in pursuit of making a room full of teenagers as passionate about writing and acting as I am. And I love that.
I love watching the faces of eager boys and girls light up as I tell them they're destined for something special... and knowing there is nothing more true.
I LOVE it.
Its a wonderful feeling.
Being sick changes things.
I can only try my best though, right. :)

Anyway, today was pretty fun.
There's a Cajon in the performing arts staff room. ^_^
So yes, I'm just holding out for that coveted time of the week where everyone else has 'stepped out' for a moment!
Then maybe I'll give it a whirl.. confuse the class next door..
then, you know, act natural and stuff...
Because it's just a box thingy... right? ;)
Anywhoo, in other news the arts theatre is haunted, which is kinda fun.
Oh, and I have two more lessons to prepare for tomorrow!

Cheerio then! :)