Friday, May 24, 2013


So yesterday I took over a grade 9 class for their new unit on advertising.

It was interesting. The first thing I wanted to do was to make sure they knew what advertising really was, and to be honest was blown away by the thoughts of the kids.

- They want to sell us things.
- They try to convince us of stuff.
- They out ideas in our heads.
- They use catchy songs that stay in our heads all day.

Good, right!? I was like.. yes! Well done. Now it's time to go deeper...

So I showed them an ad. You know that 'Dove' commercial about the girl who gets all made up and photoshopped then slapped on a billboard in a city? That one. I thought it has a pretty clear target audience and a pretty nice message to get them thinking.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it took a while to get the boys away from thinking about the way the commercial was trying to sell 'Dove' products and more about HOW they were doing it. There was no mention of the products, but clearly the advertisement was still promoting their company. After a lot of question asking and discussion guiding, I decided to break it down for them in simple terms they could understand.

Then came the best part, which really, is the only reason I was so inspired to write this entry.

This kid, at the back of the class, who was hanging onto my every word the whole time with a vague look of confusion on his face, understood.

I knew he did, because I was there. I SAW it. The second it happened.

Did you know you can see understanding when it slaps into people? I certainly didn't. Not like that.

Then when his eyes grew wide, his mouth dropped open and his hand shot into the air to answer my latest question - I knew I was doing my job.

It was amazing. My heart is still smiling a little bit.

Anyway, the lesson went on and activities were play and discussions were had, but no other moment was as prefect as that one. Next class, I'm aiming for a few more.

GOD I love my grade 9's. They're actually so sweet and lovely.

Anyway, that's enough teacher talk for one day. Time I go plan Monday's lessons.

I hope you enjoyed my little tale. Now until next time grasshoppers! :)


Friday, May 17, 2013

Doctor 'WHO' rant: On the upcoming 'Name of the Doctor' episode.

Dearest Whovians,

I know it can be really stressful at the moment, to think that in a few short weeks the Doctors greatest secret will be revealed. You may, right now, be dreading the moment when the mystery disappears, the waves move in slow motion and we are left with an anticlimax to end all anticlimaxes! Because what could be worse, more threatening to this incredible story we hold so close to our hearts, then the loss of this tension that has always been there? I ask you. Well, probably not much.

Though, to be honest, I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Hear me out! Of course no one outside of the magical BBC production bubble can know for SURE how this will all work out, but nevertheless, based on Moffats' track record, I personally think it quite unlikely we will be left at the end of the season with something like 'Joe'.

No, no. It doesn't compute. Something is missing there.
Think about it, when have we ever been given a simple answer to a complex question in the Doctor Whoniverse?
This is one of the things I love about Doctor Who, there is ALWAYS that tension.
Moffat, I have noticed, likes to answer his questions with more questions.
Because questions keep us going.
They keep us asking, and wanting more.
They LEAD somewhere!
It's a mark of a great storyteller, which I believe Moffat has shown himself to be.

At the very least, I have faith in him (and the rest of their wonderfully creative team of course) to keep me guessing.

Also, assuming that we WERE to find out the Doctors true name, it will be done for a reason. I doubt the DW team are going out of their ways to slash our hopes and dreams, rather, they are trying to take us deeper into the world of a certain time lord we all love so dearly.

I've decided to look on with trust.
We've been being wound up until now. So how will the tale be left?
I guess we have to wait and find out. :)

Love and friendship,
