Monday, June 2, 2014

Why only two strings?

It has occurred to me recently, that the title of this blog may seem a little random.
Why only two strings?
There is a reason for that...

When I was still in high school, there was a youth in our community who was always making music.
It amazed me how, no matter where we were or what we were doing, he'd always find a way to do this.
I don't know how he managed it, but he did.

One day, he picked up a broken ukulele.
It only had two strings, but despite this fact he started to play.
And it was music.
Just like that.
The instrument was far from perfect, but that wasn't important.
The music was still there, as beautiful as ever - and it was anything but broken.

It really made me think about how music is all around us, all the time.
No matter who or where we are, what our circumstances may be...
There are always ways to be creative.
There is always music.
We just need to find it.

And this is how I named my blog, so I would remember.

I think often in life, it's so easy to create barriers between ourselves and the things we want to do.
Whether it's writing in a blog, recording a song or simply having an important conversation with someone.

It's scary to do these things sometimes...
To pour your heart into something and share it with the world.
What if people judge you for it?
What if people think you're 'trying too hard', a 'bit of a show off' or simply 'not good enough'.
Because 'God forbid' you present yourself as anything less than perfect.

But I'm going to tell you something truthful now. You're not.
I'm not.
None of us are...
And that's okay.

If you want to sing or dance... or you have a message you want to share with the world, go (right now) and do it in the best way you can.
Don't be afraid.
Shout it from the rooftops.
Maybe your work will be flawed... you may stumble a little or sing out of key.
But at least you're singing.

None of us are perfect, but that doesn't mean we can't still make music.

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